This week, we will be doing an interview-prep crash course. Because all of you have already completed an interview for your actual positions within Pick-It Sweets & Treats, and since most of you have a solid portfolio already, I did not want to interfere with your business plan projects to teach you a bunch of stuff that we could have learned in a matter of days.
In case you cannot remember the job you will be applying for, please check the Google Drive VE folder for the file named “Office Clerk Job Description.” That file will detail all the job requirements and KSAs the employer desires.
I could write out all of our tasks in paragraph form, but I figure listing out what we need to do by day will get the job done more efficiently. That said, here’s a breakdown of our week:
Monday & Tuesday: Portfolio Prep/Creation
- Identify/Print at least TWO projects completed in class that will highlight your skills for the job
- Newsletter
- Screenshot of website
- Sales brochure
- Payroll distribution spreadsheet
- Business plan contribution
- Review necessary components of portfolio
- Resume & Cover Letter
- 2 - 3 work samples from class
- 1 - 2 work samples from outside of class
- Letter(s) of Recommendation (if applicable)
- Awards, Honors & Certificates (if applicable)
- Compose Portfolio
- You are NOT required to use the binder if you do not wish. I know many of you have your own portfolios and I’m fine with you using your own
Wednesday/Thursday: Interview Question Prep & Appointment Card
- Here are the questions each student should know for the competition
- Discuss answering each
- Receive appointment card for interview
Friday: Reflection
- Write a 200+ word blog post about your experience on your interview. Address what went well, what you could have done differently, and if you think you would have landed the job
That’s it for the week. I’m sure you’re all going to do well. Don’t stress. Be yourself. Succeed.