Monday, May 8, 2017

Work to Be Done...

Now that state EOCs are complete and there are only a few AP exams to take care of this week, you can resume working for the business.  Since we didn't do a great job completing our assignments the week of 4/24 - 4/28, I'm going to re-post these assignments for completion this week.

Additionally, on Friday I'm going to need you to write an email to me directly about the good and the bad (let's call them "Areas of Strength" for the good and "Areas in Need of Refinement" for the bad) about this year's coursework, pace, and overall level of enjoyment.  I'd assume most of you enjoyed the class for the most part since all of my Juniors are returning next year and all of my Seniors have recommended the course to others; however, I do want to know what we can do next year to make this class even  better.  Please feel free to just make 2 lists in the email and give me 3 to 5 bullet points for each category if you don't feel like writing a long message.  I look forward to reading these and this will help you prepare for peer reviews next week.

Business tasks to be completed are listed below:
  1. Finance, Sales, and IT need to update our products - there's no way we can sell inventory that we've had for the past 10 weeks.  Food spoils, and we addressed this in our business plan.  Please make the appropriate adjustments.
  2. Sales - bring in some revenue.  You have 4 or 5 different avenues for bringing in business, so use what you believe to be most effective.  Feel free to collaborate with IT to enhance or focus on certain items/packages on our site
  3. HR/Admin - Make me a comprehensive 7 to 10 page newsletter.  You know what goes in the newsletter, so no further guidance is necessary other than the suggestion to focus on an article and course standard that enhances productivity during a time in which most people have their minds elsewhere.  There are numerous articles online that can help you with this.  Just make sure to cite your sources appropriately.
I'll be sure to visit at least once or twice this week if things don't get too hectic.  See you soon!

Monday, April 24, 2017

Business As Usual

OK everyone, I did not like the hiatus from blogging our weekly assignments.  Maybe I'm just a creature of habit, or maybe I just feel more organized when I publish our assignments; either way, I did not like verbally ordering you guys around to do your work these past few weeks.  With that said, I've returned to publish your assignments online and guide as needed during class.  I believe we all feel a little more comfortable with this process.  The only difference moving forward is that I will allow you more autonomy on how to accomplish the tasks, as I will be more vague with my list of things to do:

  1. Finance, Sales, and IT need to update our products - there's no way we can sell inventory that we've had for the past 10 weeks.  Food spoils, and we addressed this in our business plan.  Please make the appropriate adjustments.
  2. Sales - bring in some revenue.  You have 4 or 5 different avenues for bringing in business, so use what you believe to be most effective.  Feel free to collaborate with IT to enhance or focus on certain items/packages on our site
  3. HR/Admin - Make me a comprehensive 7 to 10 page newsletter.  You know what goes in the newsletter, so no further guidance is necessary other than the suggestion to focus on an article and course standard that enhances productivity during a time in which most people have their minds elsewhere.  There are numerous articles online that can help you with this.  Just make sure to cite your sources appropriately.
I know you're going to do an excellent job this week.  Even with your EOC tests being the primary focus of your attention, I feel that immersing yourselves in your VE tasks will help keep your minds sharp and allow you time away from the stress of this week.  See you all very soon!

Sunday, April 2, 2017

Sales Focus

This week, we're going to focus on bringing in as much revenue as possible.  Your weekly tasks are identical to those you completed the week prior to Mock Interview Competition:

  1. Company Newsletter (Admin & HR)
    1. Employee Spotlight - select and interview one employee this week
    2. NWHS Sports at a Glance - CEO and Crawford to highlight Spring Sports Opening Days
    3. Business-Related Article - Corporate Philanthropy - Read and summarize this article. Then, outline how the article suggests we increase our sales
    4. Package of the Month AND Item of the Week - Get with IT and highlight an item of the week on our website AND in our newsletter
  2. Website Update (IT & Sales) 
    1. Highlight Item of the Week 
      1. Come to consensus on item (preferrably a package)
      2. Report information to Newsletter Team
      3. Make Item prominent on website
    2. Make site more navigable
    3. Ensure meals and party packages are easily accessible
  3. Item of the Week Flyer & Other Sales Duties (Sales)
    1. This is to be completed FOR Admin & HR in our newsletter
    2. Designate at least two employees to collaborate with IT and then create the flyer (use Publisher, Word, or PowerPoint)
    3. Compose formal promotional email (ONE Sales employee) to be sent with our Item of the Week flyer to all VE firms
    4. Call at least one VE firm to conduct business with (better than that NY firm did with us)
  4. Display Board Update (Normal Display Board Team)
    1. Change background color
    2. Determine new theme (Spring is here!)
    3. Decorate board
  5. Finance/Accounting Tasks (Finance Department)
    1. Payroll
    2. Check company email for orders and process these
    3. Update inventory in Wholesale Marketplace
    4. Email and follow-up with outstanding orders
    5. Assist with other departments as needed
Let's make lots of money this week!

Sunday, March 19, 2017

Mock Interview Competition Week!

OK everyone.  I've always been one to post extremely buttoned-up blog, but there's so much intricacy to what we have to do in class this week.  Please see below for my simple outline:

Monday – students send me anything they want printed in color via Drop Box AND put everything in their portfolio
Tuesday – students fill out their own appointment cards and turn them in for a grade, students finalize their portfolio by putting in all other stuff (letters of recommendation, report cards, assignments from other classes, awards, certificates, etc.) and submit for a grade, students practice interview questions in front of the class for a grade
Wednesday – students put their appointment cards in plastic badge holder and go over everything for Thursday, students practice interview questions in front of the class for a grade
Thursday – interview day – if they’ve finished their interview before they get to class, they’ll complete a reflection assignment.  If not, they’ll write about how they think they’ll do.

Friday – interview any students who failed to interview on Thursday, review the good, the bad, and the ugly of the interview (students share out how it went)

Of course, we'll have to discuss the particulars, but each day will be extremely busy from bell to bell.  Please make use of every minute and be as prepared as you can for your interviews on Thursday.  Each of you will be interviewing with a very important person in this community, whether it's our superintendent, County Mayor, or President of the County's Economic Development Council.  That said, it is imperative that you shine, so we'll be practicing answering these questions a whole lot.

See you all in class!

Sunday, March 12, 2017

Back to Business Operations

After our hiatus from normal business operations, it's time for us to re-focus on maximizing profits for Make-A-Meal.  Although I'll be out of the classroom on Monday, I'll still be in the building (acting in an administrative capacity).  You can always email me if you have any questions or need any assistance.  This week, we'll have to complete the following tasks, with the majority of the Make-A-Meal tasks to be completed in my absence on Monday.  You WILL be able to do this as long as you get right to work as soon as class begins and work through the bell.  See below for your tasks:

  1. Company Newsletter (Admin & HR)
    1. Employee Spotlight - select and interview one employee this week
    2. NWHS Sports at a Glance - CEO and Crawford to highlight Spring Sports Opening Days
    3. Business-Related Article - Corporate Philanthropy - Read and summarize this article.  Then, relay the benefits of our decision to donate 2% of our sales to underprivileged families.
    4. Item of the Week - Get with IT and highlight an item of the week on our website AND in our newsletter
  2. Website Update (IT & Sales) 
    1. Highlight Item of the Week 
      1. Come to consensus on item (preferrably a package)
      2. Report information to Newsletter Team
      3. Make Item prominent on website
    2. Make site more navigable
    3. Ensure meals and party packages are easily accessible
  3. Item of the Week Flyer & Other Sales Duties (Sales)
    1. This is to be completed FOR Admin & HR in our newsletter
    2. Designate at least two employees to collaborate with IT and then create the flyer (use Publisher, Word, or PowerPoint)
    3. Compose formal promotional email (ONE Sales employee) to be sent with our Item of the Week flyer to all VE firms
    4. Call at least one VE firm to conduct business with (better than that NY firm did with us)
  4. Display Board Update (Normal Display Board Team)
    1. Change background color
    2. Determine new theme (Spring is right around the corner)
    3. Decorate board
  5. Finance/Accounting Tasks (Finance Department)
    1. Payroll
    2. Check company email for orders and process these
    3. Update inventory in Wholesale Marketplace
    4. Email and follow-up with outstanding orders
    5. Assist with other departments as needed
  6. Mock Interview Preparation
    1. Analyze job posting
    2. Review work you have personally completed throughout this course
    3. Identify relevant portfolio artifacts
    4. Prepare for interview questions 
Well that's it for this week.  You have your tasks/duties.  I look forward to hearing about your progress when I return to the classroom on Tuesday.  See you all tomorrow!

Monday, March 6, 2017

Let's Try That Again

Aside from BAM Tech, we never got to view and critique our other presentations.  Discussions of the jump in the stock market, other business ventures, and finalization of presentations consumed our time in class.  That said, we're going to complete our business plans and begin working on getting reference letters this week.  Below is the order in which you will present:

  2. Burger McKing
  3. Agua Sensations
  4. Jeezy's 
  5. Posture
  6. ChromaKey
Once finished (hopefully end of class on Wednesday), we'll work on requesting references for Mock Interview Competition.  I'll go over formatting and content of business letters and how to approach potential references.  By the end of the week, we'll be back on track.  See you all soon!

Monday, February 27, 2017

Presentation Week!

OK everyone, we have arrived at the time everyone has been waiting for - Business Plan Presentation Week!  In case you were wondering, here’s the order for this week:
  1. BAM Tech
  3. Burger McKing
  4. Agua Sensations
  5. Jeezy's
  6. ***Next week, Posture and ChromaKey will be presenting***
That's right, we're only doing one presentation team per day, which means we'll have a lot of time for questions and critiques.  In fact, I'm going to have each business present TWICE so that the higher of the two scores carries over to the grade book.  I expect that everyone is prepared and will demonstrate Viking Excellence!

For each business, fill out a critique form and use your feedback for your investor questions.  Please look at this form and be mindful that it asks specific questions about the business (What need in the market does it fill? How well do you think the business will serve its target market? etc.).  Once finished, we can provide feedback and proceed with a new business plan.

I’m looking forward to all your presentations.  See you all on Monday!

Friday, February 17, 2017

Resume Preparation and Finalizing our Business Plan Written and Spoken Presentations

After reviewing most of your business plans, it seems as if everyone is on track to complete their business plans.  Unfortunately, each plan requires a little extra attention before it's ready to submit.  That said, we're going to take next week to make the finishing touches before presentations.

On Tuesday and Wednesday, we're going to be in the library working on drafting/revising/perfecting our resumes for Mock Interview Competition.  I will distribute the job posting you will apply for in the library and you can use the KSAs from that posting to refine what you already have in your resume.  On Thursday and Friday, you'll utilize the Business Plan Written Rubric and the Business Plan Oral Rubric to organize and finalize your written plans and oral presentations.  When we return to class on 2/27, we will begin our presentations.

That's all I have for this week.  Enjoy your extended weekend!  See you Tuesday in the library!

Monday, February 13, 2017

Finishing Up Before Presentations

By now, most of you have completed all of your business plan tasks to date.  You've followed the instructions extremely well and have done a great job staying on top of things.  Collectively, my 2016-17 class (you guys) has taken to this project better than any of my four previous VE sections.  Thank you for your hard work and effort.  This week's entry is going to encompass two big portions of our project.  You will need to work diligently in order to get everything done, so please remain focused.

This week will be dedicated to completing the Executive Summary, arguably the most important aspect of the business plan, organizing the plan, a simple task as long as you follow the rubric, and creation of the electronic presentation that you will use when presenting to your investors.  Here’s the week’s breakdown:

Monday and Tuesday: Executive Summary
As stated earlier, the Executive Summary is arguably the most important aspect of a business plan.  Since it is the first section of your business plan, the executive summary serves two purposes.  Your Executive Summary serves as your first impression on any potential investor, since it’s the first thing they’ll read in your plan.  What you say, how you say it, and how it is presented can be a make or break for your venture.  If an investor doesn’t like what he/she sees in this section, chances are no further pages will be turned in your plan.  Think about it.  If you begin reading a book or an article online and the first few pages/paragraphs don’t exactly catch your eye, will you continue to read on?  Likely not.  Similarly, if an investor has numerous business plans on the table, will he/she really want to read through an entire 20/30/40/50+ pages if the beginning doesn’t sound so hot?  I doubt it.  Additionally, your Executive summary will allow you to highlight facts and statistics that will stand out in the rest of your plan.  Essentially, it will serve as a sneak preview for the reader. 

First, read through this article about how to write an executive summary and what to include.  Take notes on the 7 elements of the executive summary and jot down what you wish to include as you read.  Next, read page 1 of this live business plan for a bakery for an excellent model of a well-constructed executive summary.  Now, I understand that reading these two links is likely to occupy an entire class period if you put your mind to it.  This means there is no tolerance for talking during class.  That’s how it goes if you’re going to get this work done. 

Once you’ve finished your reading, it’s time to take what you’ve learned and put it into writing.  You’ll need to write a rough draft of at least 1 page and make adjustments throughout the week.  Remember, this section of the project is extremely important.  I’d assume you may begin writing this at the end of class on Monday, on your off day Tuesday (I won't hold my breath on that one), or at the beginning of class Wednesday.

Wednesday through Friday: Presentation Preparation
I have already dropped the 2012 VE business plan presentation in my Public_Faculty folder, and have included the 2013, 2014, 2015, and 2016 plans in our Google Drive.  Please feel free to use these as models for your presentation.  The best aspects of these presentations are the graphics, transitions, and animations.  Think about it.  Would you really like to see a wall of text on every slide in a presentation?  Neither do investors!  Make it stand out.  Sell yourself.  Sell your business.  And, most importantly, stand out.  That’s the best way for you to make an impact and turn your vision into a reality.  It would be too easy if we all had startup capital in our bank accounts.  Fortunately for you, your plan will make that a reality.

After this, during the week of 2/21 (day after Presidents Day) we will begin our presentations.  

Let’s have a great week and finish our plans Viking Strong!

Monday, February 6, 2017

Show Them You're Profitable!

In layman’s terms, efficiency means getting stuff done in a timely manner.  This week we have to do a lot of work in a short 5-day time frame.  The focus will be on completing a comprehensive financial plan for our business.  I realize you may not be aware of all the startup costs associated with your businesses, so I've included some questions for you to focus on when conducting your research.  Again, when answering these questions in your Google Doc, please link me to your sources so I can see you're not pulling them out of thin air and so you can cite them at the end of your final written plan.  Here's a look at this week's work:

Monday/Tuesday: Expenses (Fixed/Variable) and Blog
The time has come to begin looking for real numbers for our business.  How much money does it actually cost to run your business?  Many of you have already done at least some research about renting a facility, paying employees, advertising expenses, etc.  For Monday, the plan is to first list as many costs as you can for your business.  Consider these questions:

·        Will you have a facility?
·        How much is the rent for the amount of square footage you need?
·        Will you hire employees?
·        What will their approximate salary cost you? Multiply hourly wage by approximate hours per week by 52 (weeks in a year) or add up all annual salaries if you will not
How much will a business license (yes, you have to get one of those) cost you?
·        Will you advertise?
·        Approximately how much does the utility bill cost for a facility you plan to run?
·        Do you sell merchandise?  What is the cost to make or procure the merchandise?
·        What other consumable assets will you use on a monthly basis? (landscaping companies use fuel on a regular basis)

The list can go on and on.  My suggestion is that you find as many fixed and variable expenses as possible for your plan.  A simple web search can greatly help you.

Once you’ve sufficiently completed these tasks (or if we only have about 20 minutes left in class Tuesday), it’s time to blog about your progress.  Feel free to tell me:

What have you learned about being prepared for anything? 
How did you react to having to deal with the possibility that your original assumptions may have been wrong?
What did you learn about our economy? Has your opinion changed about anything?
How will the economy impact your business?
Were you aware of all the expenses your business would have to pay?  Which expenses stood out during your research?

Wednesday: Breakeven Analysis
Below is a photo of what a typical breakeven analysis might look like for a business plan.

Worry not.  I don’t expect you to go into such great detail for this project if you are not a member of the finance department at Pick-it Sweets & Treats.  What I would like you to do today is simple. 

·      First, add up your total fixed and the average of each variable expense you calculated last week. 
·      Next, take a look at how you generate revenue.  Do you sell merchandise?  Services?  Determine the average revenue generated per unit. 

For example, if you sell ice cream, I’m sure the menu items vary in size and price (maybe from $1.50 up to $6.50).  If you feel as if you’ll sell more of the $1.50 small cones, instead of having an average revenue per unit of $4.00, perhaps you will estimate it at $3.00 or $2.75.  Ultimately, what I’m looking for is proof that you understand approximate expenses and can determine how much merchandise (or services) you’ll have to sell to at least break even.

From the rubric:
Provide break-even amounts in total dollars or number of sales. Provide details about assumptions you used to perform analysis including the profit margin percentage. (Assume that all costs are fixed except for cost of goods sold.)

Once you have determined a break-even for your business, access the Excel Spreadsheet titled "Breakeven Analysis" from my Public folder and create your own chart.

Thursday: Projected Sales
Nobody goes into business with the hope of just breaking even.  Though this may be the outcome at first, I’m certain you wish to eventually turn a profit.  Take today to project a realistic number for your sales over the next 12 months.  Be honest, and understand that in your first few months in business, customers may not be responsive to the new guy in town.  Perhaps it may take a while before you start gaining ground on your competitors.  Determine a fair estimate for how much you believe you will sell during your first year and record the numbers in your notes.  I will provide you with yet another Excel spreadsheet that will make your projections stand out.

Friday: Financial Write-up and Blog Entry
Now that you have some concrete numbers drawn up for your business, it’s time to make those spreadsheets, graphs, and charts make sense.  Write a 250-word description of your break-even analysis and sales projections. 

A good way to frame this would be to write one paragraph describing how you determined your expenses, and another one detailing how you came up with sales projections.  I know that many of you have decided to purchase land and building, and have calculated monthly mortgage payments with taxes and insurance, while others have looked up average rent per square foot for commercial property.  Tell me about that, along with how you found other expenses.  Then write about how you determined how your sales will (hopefully) increase over time.  Do you believe it may take a few months for a certain advertising campaign to start bringing in the money?  Will word of mouth help bring in new business after your first few months?  Will you even turn a profit in your first year (many businesses don’t) or will it take more time?  Tell me about your road to breakeven.

Copy and paste your write-up into a blog entry and title it "(Insert Company Name)'s Financial Write-up" when finished.  Next week, we will create an Executive Summary, organize our plan, and prepare for the Shark Tank.

Monday, January 30, 2017

SWOT, Current Economic Conditions, and Some Mock Interview Prep Work

Below is a list of all the stuff we'll need to do this week.  As you will see, it's a mixture of business plan prep and Mock Interview Competition prep.

Monday: Internal Strengths and Weaknesses & External Opportunities and Threats
Reference this article for some questions that you may use to complete your SWOT analysis.  Think about it… your business is not perfect.  There will be things your planning, organizing, leading, and controlling will allow you to have as a strength, but no business is without weakness.  Identify those weaknesses, make your plan of action to improve upon them, and lay out how you plan to implement it (yes, more planning).  Further, your established competitors may be resting upon their laurels, and may be missing out on opportunities in the marketplace that you can use to your advantage.  Conversely, these established competitors do have name recognition and good reputations on their side.  Will this pose a threat to your business penetrating the market?  How will you address this?

We will make use of the last 7 minutes of class to share out our findings.  I urge you to think hard when it comes to what “best practices” you can use for your own plan.  This is a great way to expand your thinking and be productive.

Tuesday: Discussion of Business Risks
Have you ever heard someone break down the word assume?  If not, let’s just consider you to be one of the lucky few.  In any case, the assumptions made in our SWOT analysis are likely to be backed by research about our industry.  Unfortunately, even with hundreds of hours of research, some assumptions end up being incorrect.  Today’s classwork deals with handling business risks and incorrect assumptions.  From the rubric:

·       Discussion of business risks - 5 points
o   Identify the risks that will occur if assumptions you have made are incorrect.
o   Provide a strategy for dealing with the risks identified.

Essentially, we’re making sure we have all bases covered.  Today’s work should be somewhat challenging, but fun.  Your final draft for discussion of business risks should be about 100-150 words.

Wednesday: SWOT Analysis Final Draft
OK, today we are going to put it all together.  Take your notes/draft for your SWOT analysis and make it pretty!  Here are a few ideas for making your final draft

Now, you can use tables in Microsoft Word or use Google to search for some SWOT analysis templates if you wish.  I found a really good one that’s in my Public_Faculty folder saved as Business Plan – SWOT Analysis Template.ppt as a PowerPoint file.  I happen to LOVE slide 2 of the presentation, and would use that for my SWOT analysis. 
Your assignment today is to find an aesthetically pleasing (and EASY TO READ) template and enter your findings as a final draft. This will be a fun and creative day!  I know it.

This activity should last approximately 10 to 15 minutes since you will have all the bullet points in place.  We will use the remaining class time to begin our research on current economic conditions.  The following items should be searched and logged in your Google Doc:

  • National unemployment rate
  • TN unemployment rate
  • Prime Rate
  • Average 30-year fixed mortgage rate
  • Rate of inflation
  • Rate of change of GDP
    • What is the GDP?
  • Value of USD vs. Euro vs. GBP
With this information, you will begin to think of how this information affects the buying power of your customers.  Are more people working?  Does this mean more people are available to buy your products/services?  How about borrowing and credit card spending?  We can have a nice discussion about this in class, which will lead to me explaining the dangers of credit.

Thursday: Current Economic Conditions
While you’ve already completed an industry analysis, on Tuesday and Wednesday, you will take a look at the economy from a “big picture” perspective.  The information you research at the end of class Wednesday is your guide for today's work.  Here’s a breakdown taken straight from our rubric:

·       Current economic conditions: a “snapshot” of the economic environment that may include information such as employment levels, interest rates, rate of inflation/deflation, rate of change of GDP, balance of trade, exchange rates, and/or any other information you think is appropriate.

Now, this “snapshot” is essential to determine what effects the economy will have on your business.  It’s one thing to report to me that consumer discretionary income is dwindling as a result of inflation.  It’s a completely different (and more thorough) situation when you explain that because of dwindling discretionary income, your profits will be negatively affected, since fewer consumers will be capable of actually paying for your products/services. It will be even more thorough if you balance the decrease in unemployment vs. increase in inflation (if this exists) to determine whether profits will be negatively or positively affected.  Seeing the whole picture is key for success.

Friday: Cover Letter Lesson
Today, you will take a break from the business plan and focus on preparation for our Mock Interview Competition with a lesson about Cover Letters.  Below is a screenshot of what Coach Bruce planned for this lesson in the LGI Room back in 2014.  The plans are so well written, we're going to use them again!

The activities are well planned and will be a huge help for you.  If you want additional help with writing cover letters, consult with the following links:

1. How to write a cover letter & What is a cover letter?

2. What to include in a cover letter

3. What is "block form" all about?

Long story short, this week will consist of five days of work, whether we're in class all five days or not.  I strongly recommend you stay on top of things daily, make use of your Google Doc (so you can remotely work together without having to be face to face), and email me with any questions if they arise if we're not in class.  Staying on track will lead to us having a lot of success at Mock Interview Competition AND having a ton of fun doing more promotional business stuff.

Thanks for reading.  I hope to see you on Monday!

Sunday, January 22, 2017

Define Your Business Identity

This week, we will have a far more structured class schedule to begin class before working in your teams on your business plan AND operating the business.  This is because I would like to guide you toward being more detail-oriented than you have been.  I understand classes are only 45 minutes, however some of your plans are only scratching the surface of what you need for a quality product.  Please see below for an outline of the tasks you need to complete and resources associated with the tasks.

Please use this blog, the PowerPoints from our Google Drive, and Google search as your guide through your daily assignments.  Keep all notes in your master file (and back it up to a cloud or other storage device) and make sure to date all your work for organizational purposes:

Monday: Company Logo & Tag Line

If I asked you to describe the company logos for McDonalds or Chevrolet, I'm sure you could all do so without hesitation.  Much like tag lines ("The world on your plate," for example), a logo is an integral part of your brand identity.  Please use today's class to brainstorm and make note of a clear description of your company logo.  We will break out the chart paper and markers so you can actually draw your logos for display around the room.  You will also make note of at least three tag lines your business will use on the back of your chart paper.  

This, combined with your vision you created last week, will help transition into your tasks for the rest of the week.  Please remember to date your work on your working document and keep everything in one master file (Google docs, MS Word, etc.).

Tuesday: Mission Statement and Company Goals - These are Two Separate Items
Now that we have completed our marketing plan, we can devise a list of goals for the organization, along with a company mission statement.  For those of you who prefer to write in bullet point fashion, feel free to create a list of your company goals/objectives.  If you are more comfortable writing goals and objectives in paragraph form, go for it!  Have at least 5 measurable, easily identifiable goals for your first year in business.  We will do more with these later this week.

For your mission statement, it wouldn’t hurt to see a few well-written models.  Use the business plans in my classroom and check out this link for some solid examples of well-written mission statements.  A few of my favorite from the link are from Advance Auto Parts, Applied Materials, and of course, Starbucks.

Below is an explanation of each component, taken directly from the scoring rubric:
  • Company description: origination date, industry, legal description, location, brief history (if an existing company).
·      Mission statement: A brief statement that represents what company stands for; narrow enough to give direction but not so vague that it could apply to any other organization.

Wednesday: Management Function - Planning and Organizing
Management can be broken into 4 main components: Planning, Organizing, Leading, and Controlling.  Today we will focus on the first 2 components. 

For the Planning Component, you will need to have your company goals in mind.  Address how you plan to achieve each goal in a few (3 to 5) sentences.  From the rubric:
·       Planning: What are the goals of the business? Identify strategies to achieve each goal.

For Organizing, you will need to break down the number of employees, identify a chain of command, and describe the job of each position in the organization.  From the rubric:
·       Organizing: How is the firm organized to be able to meet objectives? Organization chart to specify what jobs need to be done and by whom.

Thursday: Management Plan - Leading and Controlling
Leadership is an important aspect of running a successful business.  Have you ever noticed that most pets take on the personality of their owners?  Have you ever heard the saying, “the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree,” and realized it to be true?  The same applies in business.  Read this article about corporate culture, and explain how you will lead your employees.  If you are a 1-person operation, how will you direct yourself in terms of staying on task and holding yourself accountable to the highest standards necessary to succeed? From the rubric:
·       Directing: How are directions, assignments, instructions and information provided to employees?

With respect to controlling, think back to your lesson about performance evaluations.  How will you measure employee productivity?  Will you use measurable performance indicators?  Will you use 360-degree feedback?  Will you be the only judge of their performance? How will you make your employees happy to come to work and know when they’re doing well, or how to improve upon their shortcomings?  From the rubric:
·      Controlling: How does the firm monitor progress toward achieving goals?

Friday: Blog
I understand we have done a lot this week, so if you have tasks left to be completed on Friday, feel free to take care of those first.  Once you’ve completed the tasks for the week, write a blog about your work, using the following questions to guide you.   Feel free to copy these questions, bold them, and answer each below the question to make the blog easy to read.  Your blog should be at least 200 words beyond the words used in each question:
  1. ·      How well have you stayed on task? 
  2. ·      After thinking about the management function, especially the leadership component, how well do you think you will lead your organization to success? 
  3. ·      What topics, if any, helped you with this portion of the plan? 
  4. ·      What part of the plan did you absolutely nail?  Feel free to copy/paste that into your post.
Again, feel free to separate your blog entry into sections by addressing each question.  This will make the entry easy to read and will ensure you touch upon everything properly. 

I hope you have a great week!

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Time to Market Your Company!

"Baseball, it is said, is only a game.  True, and the Grand Canyon is only a hole in Arizona."
-George Wills

“I think about baseball when I wake up in the morning.  I think about it all day, and I dream about it at night.”
-Carl Yastrzemski

The above quotes describe an unparalleled love for baseball that two men have.  They describe a passion for the game that consumes them, and provide a great example of what it takes to succeed, not only in sport, but also in business.  When I assigned the task of completing a business plan for my VE class, I prepared them by showing videos and providing articles that detail how passion for something can be the difference between an average business and a thriving one.  Students were encouraged to create a business in an industry in which they have that passion so that they could remain focused and productive.  Thus far, I have seen glimpses of it, but now we need to turn up the heat. 
Through the first week of preparation, many students have fallen behind, and I estimate about 80% of them are in need of stepping up their game.  Also, since the marketing mix and management plan account for more than 50% of the grade, we will take the next 2+ weeks to finalize these areas of the business plan.  I will also provide a framework for the purpose of the plan and how to set goals for the business once students have completed the “vision” of their ideal business.
So, without further adieu, here is a breakdown of this week’s tasks.  

Look at the 2 quotes at the beginning of my blog entry this week.  Think about things that occupy your mind all day and dream about at night.  Is your business plan designed around something you have this much passion for?  When you graduate, your focus for your career or major in college should be just as strong as this.  It will certainly help you succeed in whatever endeavor you choose.  This is just some advice.  I hope you find it helpful. 
Now, do some research about the 5 Ps of marketing.  Refer to this article (which describes 7 Ps) along with the rubric I’ve shared on my Public_Faculty folder, which details 5 Ps.  Use your answers to Friday’s questions about your specific vision for your business and the explanation of the 5 Ps to break down:
1.     Product (or service)
2.     Price
3.     Place
4.     Promotion
5.     People
In your Google Doc, you will type a description of each of these aspects of your business.  Once complete, you will have a rough draft for the first piece of your business plan!  

Today we will focus on our target market.  If you are creating a business plan, you must know who your customer will be.  You’ve touched upon this in previous assignments, but today, it’s time to really define who it is you plan to have as a customer.  Here are 2 aspects of your target market that you will need to address:
o   Identifies a specific group of consumers toward which firm directs its marketing efforts.
o   Separates layers of market according to some of the following: demographics, geography, psychographics, benefits, etc.
Though today’s assignment is only 2 simple questions, your analysis and work will take you the entire period to complete.  Think smart, work smart, and put your thoughts into coherent, complete sentences.

Today’s focus is on your industry.  We will complete an industry analysis by answering the following questions:
o   Demonstrate an understanding of the real world industry by providing information about size, profitability, current challenges, competitive pressures, etc.  Use information found on the internet to analyze and critique how big you will be at inception, how large you wish to grow over time, and what barriers to growth exist in your industry.  Today’s lesson will be very helpful when completing part of your SWOT Analysis as well.

Today is all about knowing your competition.  While you have outlined some strengths and weaknesses of direct competitors already, today we will refine that analysis and add to it by doing the following:
·      Competitive analysis: Identification and examination of characteristics of competing firms. (If there are no direct competitors, analysis of indirect competitors.)
·      How does the competition earn business?
·      How do they keep business?
·      Why would someone want to switch their allegiance to your business instead of theirs

Now, you can probably expect to complete today’s task pretty quickly.  That’s great!  You will use the last 15-20 minutes of class to blog about your progress on this week’s tasks.  In today’s blog, detail 1) How you may/may not have changed your focus so that you could get caught up (did you start to think about how your passion translates to this project outside of class?), 2) How much more clear your vision has become for the business, 3) are you on schedule? Behind schedule? Ahead of schedule? And 4) On which aspect of this week’s tasks did you absolutely nail it? Feel free to include a portion of that work in your entry.  You can complete this entry, and future entries, by listing each question and addressing them individually or just write your entry in paragraph form.  Just make sure to use complete sentences, and take pride in your work.

Sunday, January 8, 2017

Partner Business Plans & Company Operations

This week, I'm going to go bare bones on the blog.  There will be no images or motivational quotes. Here is a breakdown of business plan teams.  Please see below:

Anaya & Dakota
Jessica &Tationna
William & Darran
Drake & Andrea
Shane & Taylor

Yes, I allowed the vast majority of you to work with your #1 choices.  I had a change of heart when making partners, since I was considering setting up mostly pairs, but I am confident in you guys.  In the end, I believed you will be motivated to work more efficiently with your #1 choices more than a secondary choice. Hopefully my belief in you is validated and I will get 8 great business plans.

In any event, we will use the presentations from our Google Drive VE Folder to guide us daily through creating the business plan.  In addition to creating the plan, you will also need to operate the business (scaled down) AND blog about your progress throughout the next 5 weeks.  Here's a breakdown of our tasks:

Business Operations - ALL TO BE COMPLETED MONDAY:
  • Everyone make a purchase on the network first - this should take no longer than 7 minutes
  • Attendance - Drake
  • Payroll - Finance
  • Item of the Week - Sales
  • Newsletter - Admin & HR
    • Sports at a glance for week of 1/9 - Check with CEO for update in basketball schedule
    • Article about what makes an attractive company website
    • Employee Spotlight - William P
Business Plan Tasks:

-Discuss how successful individuals thrived working in an industry on something they love

-Decide on your business - focus on something you love
-Work together to create company vision
-Create Google Doc to log your notes about your company vision (Share the doc with me)

-Read this article about choosing the right industry
-Discuss how successful business people know their industry
-Analyze the industry in which you will operate
-In your Google Doc: Write a short paragraph about your industry and list at least 5 things your business will do to succeed in your industry

-Find at least one direct competitor and one indirect competitor
-Analyze their businesses
-In your Google Doc, break down the strengths and weaknesses of each competitor (direct and indirect - I suggest you create a table for each competitor and list strengths on the left & weaknesses on the right)
-In your Google Doc, type a short paragraph about how you will differentiate yourself or how your business will not have the same weaknesses as your competitors. Essentially, in a few sentences, explain how your business will be better than your competitors

-Create a more clear image of your company vision by answering the following questions (feel free to number them as they are numbered below) in your Google Doc:
  1. What will the outside of your business look like?
  2. What will the inside of your business look like?
  3. Where is your business located (use a perfect world scenario, as if you had access to the location you desire)?
  4. What do your customers want from your business?  
  5. How can you satisfy them as much as possible?
  6. How do you differ from your competition?
  7. is your product/service more affordable or more expensive than your competitor?  Why?
  8. How do you get customers in the door and how do you keep them coming back?  EXPLAIN THE EXPERIENCE A CUSTOMER WILL GET FROM DOING BUSINESS WITH YOU
When finished answering these questions, you will type a 200+ word blog entry about whether you believe your business can succeed and how well you are working with your partner.  Don't forget to share the blog with me.

See you Tuesday!