As you can see, the definition of imperative is "of vital importance; crucial." This week, as the year, along with many of your high school careers, winds down, I would like to take some time to provide you with some information that I feel is imperative to know prior to venturing off into college or the real world. For this reason, I've reserved the Large Group Instruction (LGI) room Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday so that we will have limited distractions and a comfortable setting in which to engage in meaningful discussion.
Much of the material covered in class this week has already been covered in other courses throughout high school, but I feel as if refreshing your memory and adding some important details will allow you to walk out of class (and into the real world) with a clear understanding of the most important aspects of each lesson.
Below is a breakdown of our week:
Monday (in LGI Room):
The W2 and W4 forms - what are they and why have them? What is the goal of filling out a W4? How do you read a W2 form? Why might you claim a smaller/larger number on your W4? What is the ideal scenario for filling out a W4?
Tuesday (in classroom):
On Tuesday, we're going to discuss in class some other topics you might want to know about before next year. Have you ever heard people talk about business-related or other financial topics that you think you should know about? We can compile a list for future lessons. Additionally, we will discuss other class-related topics.
Wednesday (in LGI Room):
This lesson about financial goals is really interesting. Knowing what you want to do with your money moving forward (car? apartment? computer?) will help you with financial goals that you can set for the short-term and long-term. The information learned in this lesson will help greatly with Thursday's topic.
Thursday (in LGI Room):
How do you prevent yourself from running out of money at the end of the week/month? Where does all your money go? We'll discuss budgeting and exactly how to predict/calculate your weekly/monthly expenditures and how your budget affects your short-term and long-term financial goals.
Friday (in classroom):
On Friday, you'll blog about the biggest takeaways from this week's lessons, as well as share at least two suggestions for future "Imperatives" lessons.
See you Monday!
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