Sunday, December 14, 2014

Midterm Week

This week, we will have our company “holiday party” on Monday, during which we will celebrate our good fortune and successful first semester.  Our VP of Sales has created an assignment chart, which details what each team member will bring to the party.  During our party, each employee will be given 2 minutes to discuss how he/she feels about our tasks, performance, organization, and share ideas for how to improve operations once we enter the second semester.  I will send each of you a reminder email about bringing party supplies for the party to make sure we have everything we need.  I am responsible for cups, so be certain that we’ll have those.

On Tuesday, we will do another Shark Tank critique day.  This will help you start thinking about our next big project.  When we return from break, you will be making your own individual business plan, so maybe some of the entrepreneurs you watch on Tuesday will inspire you. 

Wednesday through Friday are exam/exam make-up days.  Be sure to study for all your exams.  I look forward to our entire roster earning an A for this course - it's on you to make that happen.  VE will be your last exam before break, so please take my advice I provided last week and the previous week – don’t take your foot off the gas pedal until you’ve crossed the finish line.  Your hard work will pay off.

Sunday, December 7, 2014

Finish Strong

This week, I would like to focus on two things.  First, I feel as if we need to finish the semester working as hard as we can toward our goals (see my blog entry about CHOP for a review on how to optimize efficiency).  This means limiting distractions, such as off-task conversations, other classwork, or Christmas-related activities.  The picture above demonstrates how to plan for distractions and dedicate a solid chunk of time to your work.  Conveniently, we only meet for 45 minutes, so once you dedicate the entire 45 minutes to your weekly tasks, finishing off your duties for the week will be a piece of cake.  Second, I would like us to actually get through the week by checking off everything on our to-do list.  This will be the blueprint for how we finish strong.

That said, I've put together a solid list of tasks for each department this week.  Make it your goal to check off every project you are assigned:

Accounting/Finance (plus B Butler and E Kleinhans)
  • Make sure purchases and cash payments journals are accurate for our previous purchase and payment for starting inventory
  • Complete sales journal entries for each sale at Trade Fair
    • Your receipts (see receipt book from Trade Fair) are your source documents for each transaction
    • Accounts receivable – Central Bank will be your customer account since the Central Bank is who deposits the money into our account when they’ve seen that our deposits are accurate
  • Purchase Inventory to cover amount of goods sold from the Trade Fair
  • Complete Purchases Journal entries for all inventory purchased
    • Accounts payable – Wholesale Marketplace is vendor
  • Pay cash for inventory purchased – from firm bank account
    • Consult with P Riddle or L Bonelli for assistance if you don't know who to pay
  • Complete Cash Payments Journal entry when cash has been paid out
    • This should be a single cash payment entry covering all inventory purchased
  • Pay employees – please make sure to take out appropriate taxes/insurance withholdings and allowances
  • Complete Cash Payments Journal entry for cash disbursement of payroll (net pay, not gross pay)

IT/Web Design
  • Add catering services to website (I’ve been told this has been added already, but have not yet found anything on our home page or website)
  • Add new products and services to website – see above for new products/packages and consult with Finance/Sales for details
  • Please make sure we have a functioning cart – If you are really at a loss for how to make it work, consult with another firm.  Unfortunately, this is not an area of expertise of mine.
  • Work with Sales to complete “Item of the Week” flyer for week of 12/8-12/12
    • This flyer will be distributed 12/12 to all on our mailing list

  • Weekly newsletter - Please include: 
    • Weekly Events @ NWHS
      • Basketball
      • Choir concert
      • Early Release Day on Friday
    • An article about any Christmas promotions or seasonal products we plan to sell on our website
    • Employee spotlight - Conduct an interview and include highlights or full questions with answers
    • An article about what’s going on in business today (please find at least two sources that discuss a business topic going on right now and cite evidence from each article that support your idea)
    • Be sure to include more color and images as we had discussed previously
  • Continue working on product catalog – finished product due 12/12/14
  • Decorate the display board by my metal supply closet
    • At least one of the displays should be complete by end of business Friday
  • Use MS Publisher or Word to posterize our mission statement
  • Enlarge our mission statement by end of business Tuesday
    • My student aide will laminate it for display
On Tuesday and Friday, we will need to blog our progress.  Since Friday is an early release day, we will utilize the entire class period for this reflection exercise.  On Tuesday, we will blog from 2:05 - 2:20.

Finally, we will again need two volunteers to work the concession stand Tuesday.  Revenue generated from these days will provide us with money to do all the wonderful things we have planned for the remainder of this year and next year.  Please be ready to work the stand.