If we look back on what we've done this year, there have been a lot of highlights mixed with some not-so-memorable moments. We've written an Office Guru business plan, prepared for Regional and State competitions, attended a Trade Fair, completed case studies, blogged, and run a semi-successful virtual business. This week will be dedicated to looking back and reflecting upon four of your most memorable projects or tasks that you completed during the school year. I'm not going to put concrete borders on what or how I want you to post other than requiring each entry to be at least 250 words. The goal of this exercise is to let you look back and see just how much you've learned this year and prepare for your end-of-year performance evaluation.
Each day this week, you will focus on one of the following projects and type a reflective blog entry about your personal opinion of your performance, what you learned, and how that project will help you in the future. By the end of the week, you will have completed four blog entries:
- Office Guru Business Plan
- Promotional Sales Materials
- Resume Creation
- Interview Exercises
- Trade Fair Preparation
- The Trade Fair Experience
- Reflecting upon motivational videos/literature
- Individual Business Plan Creation
- Day-to-day business operations (your departmental tasks)
- Sales calls
- Weekly Newsletter
- Employee Spotlight
- Company Manual
- Payroll distribution
- Anything else that stands out from your classwork this year
We'll share out some of our entries next week and begin our personal performance evaluations before our executives and I conduct formal performance evaluations.
I look forward to reading your posts. This week and next will be a lot of fun.
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