That said, let's take a look at what needs to be done before Tuesday's class:
First, you'll need to watch the following video about dominating an interview:
While I don't completely agree with everything in this video (the man's attire and decision to sit before shaking hands are a couple things that stood out early in the video), this resource contains a lot of valuable tips and hints for getting it done on the big interview day. Check out the video and make a note of at least 10 things you can do in your interview next week. Have this with you to start class Monday.
After finishing your video, review the following file that breaks down the most important information to know for your interview, including common questions and answers. It's a good starting point for our lesson.
A breakdown of this week's activities can be found below.
Objectives: Understand the goal of an interview, Identify proper strategies for a successful interview, Determine best practices for answering interview questions.
Clear Target: We can differentiate ourselves from competition in a job interview.
Bell-Ringer: Will not be divulged prior to class. I want you to take 2 minutes at the beginning of class for this
After sharing out a few answers, I will explain how I would have answered the question. From here, I'll review objectives and clear target (which will be the same throughout this week and into next).
Following our clear target, I'll cover the following interview topics:
- Proper Attire
- How to enter the room and shake hands
- Body Language
- What to bring with you
- Common questions, including my favorite questions to ask
- How to align your answers with each question AND what you have in your resume
- Questions to ask the interviewer
- Interview follow-up
Objectives: Analyze common and unique interview questions, Collaboratively formulate answers for interview questions, Present findings
Clear Target: We can differentiate ourselves from competition in a job interview
Bell-Ringer: 2 minutes - Organize yourselves in separate rows for different job positions
In your groups, use this file to list and answer 3 Qualification Questions and at least 1 Behavioral Question for each of the following sections:
- Interpersonal Skills
- Communication Skills
- Initiative
- Leadership
- Planning & Organizing
- Flexibility
- Creativity/Innovation
- Decision Making
Wednesday thru Friday
Objectives: Analyze and Critique interviews, Provide feedback on interviews
Clear Target: We can analyze and critique a job interview
Please dress as professionally as possible for interviews. I understand you won't know when you will be interviewing, but it won't hurt for you to dress as professionally as you can for a week. Who knows? You might enjoy it.
We'll use my interview critique sheets to frame our analysis. I've shared the file with you from my Google Drive. While observing your classmates' interviews, please have at least 2 things you liked, 2 things you'd do differently, and an explanation (not just a yes or no) as to whether you'd hire the individual.
That's it for the week's tasks. I hope you have a good time with this real-world lesson. It's one of many you'll enjoy this year!
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