Sunday, April 12, 2015

How Do You Eat an Elephant?

This week, I will be out of the building on Wednesday and Thursday to help teachers earn Work-Based Learning certifications at TCAT Hohenwald.  As a result, on Monday, Tuesday, and Friday, we will proceed as planned with our business plan presentations.  On Wednesday and Thursday, you will blog and complete simple departmental tasks that will help us hit the ground running when we resume a singular focus on business operations next week.  Please see below for a breakdown of our daily tasks:

Monday, Tuesday, and Friday:
Clear Target: We can analyze and critique a business plan
Take notes on business plan presentations
Analyze & critique plans in the role of investor/financier
Question presenter on specific elements of plan as they relate to your potential investment
Formulate opinion about whether or not to invest
Submit form for each presenter

So far, our business plan presentations have been below expectation.  While a couple (not all) may have included every element of the presentation rubric, not every plan has included specific detail about what separates its business from competitors.  Remember, when you are presenting to an investor, the best way to secure that money is to differentiate yourself from everyone else in the industry and show the investor exactly why your partnership will be a profitable one. 

Further, none of the presentations we’ve seen have opened with something to get the attention of the viewer.  If you don’t catch the viewer’s attention in the first minute of your presentation, you may not have the full attention of the viewer when you’re showing him/her what makes your business so great.  Please be creative and wow the audience like our Business Plan Competition Team did back in November when we presented the Pick-It Sweets & Treats plan.  You have the rubric at your disposal in Google Drive, so please make sure you’re earning full credit on this presentation.

Check out this Shark Tank intro for a solid example of an eye-catching opening:

Notice how each presenter vividly describes a common problem that many customers would have and then presents his product in such a manner that solves the common problem in an entertaining fashion.  THIS is how you need to present to your investors.

Wednesday and Thursday
Clear Target: We can apply concepts to operate a profitable business
Publish a 200+ word reflection about your blog based on your answers to the questions posted in Edmodo on 4/10/15.  Share out your experience and have this available when you prepare for next year.
Process existing orders from customers: Sales and Finance departments, along with CFO, will search open and unprocessed orders from company email address.  Each order will receive a “Thank You” email and include an invoice for goods purchased. 
Create “Item of the Week” advertisement: Sales and IT will determine which item or party package we offer is best suited to be promoted to our clients based on the time of year we are in and what our customers need most.  Bulk purchase specials can be offered to entice customers to buy
Follow up on unpaid accounts receivable: Finance and Admin will follow up with customers who have received Thank You emails and request payment for any outstanding unpaid invoices.
Complete weekly newsletter: Human Resources, along with CEO, will complete a 3-4 page weekly newsletter with articles that highlight the following:
  • Sports at a glance for this week and next
  • Academic Awards Ceremony
  • Business Department Mock Interview Day
  • Effective Leadership (search the net for a good article and use at least three quotes in your article)

Your grades this week will be assessed on completion of your group departmental tasks, your questions/comments to business plan presenters, your business plan presentations, submitting forms for each presentation, and your blog entry.  This may seem like a ton of work, but if you stay on task for each assignment, you’ll have plenty of time to get it all done.  Have a great week.

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