Sunday, October 4, 2015

Big Week - Business Plan Submission, Competition Preparation, and Website Launch

This week, we will have four main areas of focus.  The first task we must accomplish is organize and submit our Business Plan to Pitch Burner in PDF format.  Next, we must coordinate our Business Plan Presentation Team for the Regional Business Plan Competition.  We will check out a few business plan presentations from last year’s National Competition to get our creative juices flowing as well.  Third, we need to create promotional emails and other advertisements to drive traffic to our company website.  I would love to have at least five orders to process this week as a result of our marketing efforts.  Finally, our website needs to go live.  This is an important step in realizing our sales goals for the year, since it allows us to receive a higher volume of orders and reaches globally to potential customers.  There are a few other tasks we need to complete.  Here’s a list of everything we need to get done before end of business Friday:
  • ·      Submit Business Plan
  • ·      Launch website
  • ·      Analyze successful business plan presentations
  • ·      Design business plan presentation
  • ·      Draft bullet points to be discussed for business plan presentation
  • ·      Create promotional emails to convince customers to purchase from us
  • ·      Make sales calls to local VE firms
  • ·      Keep records of sales/purchases
  • ·      Distribute payroll

Here’s a daily breakdown of what we will do and when it will get done:

Objectives: Launch website, analyze successful business plan presentations, submit Final Draft of Written Business Plan, draft an ideal open for our presentation, review presentation competition overview
Clear Target: We can analyze elements of a successful business presentation
We will begin class by preparing to analyze and critique business presentations from last year’s National Finals.  Students will get out a piece of paper and pencil and as I show the videos, students will write out things that stood out for the better and things that could be improved upon, focusing on the opening of each presentation.  From here, we’ll share out answers.  After this, students have 7 minutes to draft their own open for OUR business plan.  CEO will collect everyone’s notes and report to me who has/hasn’t completed the task.  After this, I will read through the file titled “Business Plan Presentation Info for Teachers” to have an idea of how the plan will work.  We will then select five presenters (preferably from each department).  For closure, we will discuss whether we need a 6th participant for the competition while CEO requests contract money from the portal.  See below for email from Cindy Boyd regarding this process:

After submission of your plan, you will be able to use the Payment Request Form in the portal to upload your business partner contract request for 75% of your firm's salaries.  I will be able to grant this request if your business plan has been submitted.  Please note 75% salary requests can include several options: for new firms, part of the money can be funded within the seed money. For all firms, funds can come from open house sales to parents, etc, and business partner contracts. All of these options are a part of the 75% of salary funding.  If you request the total 75% of your salary in a business partner contract, you will not be able to receive additional funds if you have a non-ve open house.  If your student enrollment goes up mid-year, we can always revisit your request.

Tuesday through Friday
Objectives: Complete any tasks not finished from Monday, tend to day to day tasks of the business, complete business plan presentation
Clear Target: We can create a business presentation
Suffice to say, I don’t know whether we’ll complete all our tasks on Monday.  That said, we’ll first have to tackle what’s left from Monday’s tasks.  After we finish this, we can proceed with the rest of our weekly tasks.  For the remainder of the week, the business presentation team will split off from the rest of the group so that they can concentrate on creating a winning presentation.  Remaining employees will tend to the following tasks:
·      Create promotional emails to convince customers to purchase from us
·      Make sales calls to local VE firms
IT/Web Design
·      Create company letterhead
·      Identify “Item(s) of the Week” to highlight on site
o   Communicate with Sales to determine the item
·      Complete employee profiles for each employee
o   Portal login information
o   Graduation year
o   Department where each employee works
o   Email address
o   Phone number
·      Create company handbook
·      Update display board in class
·      Keep records of sales/purchases
o   Refer to the REFERENCE FILES in the Accounting & Finance section of the Portal for the journals to be used
§  All purchases from the wholesale marketplace to be updated
§  Sales from contract to be updated
§  Cash payment to be updated when we actually pay for our merchandise
§  Cash receipts to be updated when we receive cash
·      Check firm bank account to find out when we receive our contract sale money
·      Distribute payroll
o   Refer to this file
o   This will allow us to purchase from other organizations

If you have any questions about your tasks, please feel free to ask me for guidance.  The expectation is that you will refer to the portal first for explanations of your tasks, then check with Google.  If all else fails, though, I’m available as I circulate the room.  Please work diligently and focus on the tasks that need to be completed.  There is zero time to waste on non-VE work, so please make sure you are on task throughout class this week. 

Finally, please check your email daily.  Plans may change throughout the week, and we will need to work on a few things outside of class.  Further, there will be some minor tasks to be completed while we’re on Fall Break, so you will need to stay in contact with me even while we’re out of class. 

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